Episode 19: Apple Head Spall feat. John Hess of Dome Talk

CW: the r word, john uses it and is quoting the movie, he probably shouldn't have, also pizzagate jokes and quotations of Mel Gibson outbursts

On this episode, we discuss the Scottish nationalist alternate history WW2 Puppetmation action comedy Jackboots On Whitehall, which is... it's an experience. Dome Talk's John Hess joins us as we talk about the legacy of Winston Churchill and what he should be subjected to in hell.

John: Wolfenstein The New Order / The Peace To End All Peace by David Fromkin
Eric: Blackadder Goes Forth / Public Libraries
Niel: JJBA Part 4 "Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food" / Superstar the Karen Carpenter Story

21:30 a scene from Mad Max that Eric doesn't remember/LOTR/SNL/Ben Garrison
45:00 Pizza/more Ben Garrison
50:30 even more Ben Garrison
56:00 Ewan Macgregor
1:00:00 X-Files
1:06:00 X-Rated movies/Ang Lee's Hulk/more X-Files/Left factionalism

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